Maryland Stork Signs~Md Lawn Stork Signs Germantown~Flying Storks~Fun & Unique!
Looking for a Unique Baby Shower Gift?

Germantown/Gaithersburg, Md
Flying Storks
(301) 606-3091
Order a Flying Stork Yard Card Sign
Lawn Sign Stork Birth Announcements
Maryland Stork Signs~Lawn Sign Birth Announcements
The cost of our stork lawn sign rentals is similar to the cost of sending flowers, but our storks are unique, exciting and the impact lasts forever…
Call Flying Storks to Celebrate the Birth of your New Baby, Grandchild, Niece or Nephew with a Fun Stork Sign in their Yard

Stork Sign Yard Card
Flying Storks
Monrovia, Md.
(301) 606-309

Mt Airy, MD
Flying Storks
(301) 606-3091
How Does It Work and Place an Order?
Reserve your Flying Stork lawn sign in advance or place your order at least 24 hours ahead of expected delivery of new born baby announcement.
Please feel free to contact us anytime. We are open 24 hours a day seven days a week. We accept almost all credit cards.
We will need the spelling of the baby’s first and middle name, weight, length and date of birth. Also please have the delivery address, phone number, and any special delivery instructions included in notes.
Flying Storks strives to arrive before mom comes home from the hospital, so let us know when mom and baby will be discharged. Our adorable 6 ft stork and personalized keepsake bundle will announce the BIG news for (7) days. Upon removal of the stork, the parents will be left with the personalized bundle to treasure forever. Surprise your loved one with this memorable gift!
We proudly serve the greater Frederick, Maryland & Montgomery County, Maryland including: Adamstown, Beallsville, Bethesda, Bethesda Chevy-Chase, Boyds, Braddock Heights, Brunswick, Clarksburg, Chevy Chase, Damascus, Darnestown, Derwood, Dickerson, Gaithersburg, Germantown, Green Valley, Ijamsville, Jefferson, Monrovia, Myersville, Middletown, Mt. Airy, Olney, Potomac, Point of Rocks, Poolesville, Urbana, Walkersville, MD All of Montgomery County, Maryland and Frederick County, Maryland
Call us at (301) 606-3091 for additional information or to order your stork today! Please visit our FB Page to see our most current rentals. Please follow us on Pinterest and we will gladly return the favor and follow you or your business too.
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